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Video Tape Catalog System
Roger Torre
Version 1.56
Copyright: This software product is copyrighted and all rights
reserved by Roger Torre
This is a Freeware product which represents many hours of hard work.
Please Use & Enjoy it.
Freeware is distributed in its original, unmodified form,
without charge, via computer user's groups, software libraries,
electronic bulletin boards, and friend to friend sharing.
Freeware software is protected by copyright law to the same
extent as traditionally marketed software products, it is NOT public
domain software.
Liability: The user hereby agrees that regardless of the form of any
claim, liability for any damages or loss incurred because of this
product shall not exceed $0.00
1. New Installation ...............................................3
2. Update Installation.............................................3
3. Setup...........................................................3
3.2.Selection Method...........................................4
3.3.Report Size................................................4
3.4.Display Order..............................................4
4. File Menu.......................................................4
5. Support.........................................................5
6. Edit Menu ......................................................5
6.1.Add Title..................................................5
6.2.Delete Tape................................................5
6.3.Edit by #................................................5
6.4.Title Edit.................................................5
6.5.Undelete ..................................................5
7. Search By .....................................................5
7.1.Any String.................................................5
7.2.Number .....................................5
7.4.Rating <=..................................................5
7.5.Rating >= .................................................5
8. Options ........................................................7
8.1.Color on ..................................................7
8.4.Hide Deleted...............................................7
8.5.Show Deleted...............................................7
9. Utils...........................................................8
9.1.Reindex ...................................................8
10. Reports ........................................................9
10.1.Tagged Titles............................................9
10.2.List All..................................................9
10.3.By Title..................................................9
11. Help...........................................................10
11.3.Search By................................................10
12. 6.2.Keyboard Commands ........................................11
12.1.1 st.....................................................11
12.2.>.Scan Fwd...............................................11
12.3.<.Scan Rev...............................................11
12.6.A dd.....................................................11
12.7.D elete..................................................11
12.8.E dit....................................................11
12.9.F ind................................................11
12.10.L ast ..................................................11
12.11.P rint..................................................11
12.12.Q uit...................................................11
12.13.R ecall.................................................11
12.14.S etup..................................................11
12.15.T ag....................................................11
12.16.U ntag..................................................11
13. Edit & Add Commands...........................................12
13.1.Right Arrow Key..........................................12
13.2.Left Arrow...............................................12
13.3.Up Arrow.................................................12
13.4.Down Arrow...............................................12
13.5.Page Up..................................................12
13.6.Page Down................................................12
13.8.Escaping From............................................12
13.9.Abort Add................................................12
13.10.Abort Edit..............................................12
13.11.Ins Key.................................................12
14. Pull Down Menus ...............................................13
14.1.Alt F = File Menu........................................13
14.2.Alt E = Edit Menu........................................13
14.3.Alt S = Search By Menu...................................13
14.4.Alt O = Options Menu.....................................13
14.5.Alt U = Utils Menu.......................................13
14.6.Alt H = Help Menu........................................13
15. Mouse use. ....................................................14
16. Output Options................................................14
16.1.1 Liner..................................................14
16.2.3 X 5 (3 by 5)...........................................14
16.3.4 X 6 (4 by 6)...........................................14
16.4.6 to a Page..............................................14
17. Buttons........................................................14
18. Entry Fields ..................................................15
18.9.Search Data..............................................15
18.11.Reg or Super VHS .......................................15
18.12.First Name..............................................15
18.13.Last Name...............................................15
1. New Installation
Create a directory on your hard disk. The following assumes
that you are installing from A: to C:
MD videos
cd videos
Pkunzip Videod C: for DOS users.
PKUNZIP Videow C: for Windows 3 users.
Pkunzip Samples
For Dos Based Systems, At this point just type Go to start.
Note that the DOS version is called Videod.exe
For Windows users Add the program to a group or start a new
Note that the Windows 3 version is called Video.exe
Note : I Strongly Suggest that you run Setup by chosing ALT F
then down arrow to setup and hit ENTER. Or press the "S" key.
2. Update Installation
The Following Assumes that you are updateing to C:\Video from A:
Pkunzip Videod C: for dos users.
Pkunzip Videow C: for Windows 3 users.
At this point the update is finished.
Note That unzipping the samples.zip will overwrite your old
database information.
Note : The Setup.DBF file has been changed from the earlier
versions so that you should run setup.
Experiment with all the commands using the sample database included....
When you are ready to enter your own titles just choose the utils
pulldown menu by pressing the ALt key and the U key at the same time
then use the arrow keys to move to Zap and press enter. Answer Y to the
question and you will have a empty database to use.
as a suggestion at the end of each session choose the File menu and use
the backup entry (Alt F) then B <Enter>
3. Setup
Windows the Selector mark will move with the TAB key until you hit
Dos The Selector mark showing whats been selected will Not Move with
the TAB key Until You Hit Enter.
You Can use a mouse to select by moving the cursor onto the desired
choice and clicking the left button in DOS & Windows. Click outside
of the selector Boxes to save.
Or Use the TAB key to move down a item or Shift TAB to Move up a
choice.Hit Enter on your choices (DOS users can just hit enter to
reset to the default settings). Tab down til you exit the selector
boxes and hit ENTER to save settings.
Your choices are Color and Monochrome
3.2.Selection Method
Sets whether the keyboard commands or the mouse buttons are displayed
Note that the keyboard commands work either way.
3.3.Report Size
1 Liner Prints on standard paper 1 line per title.
3x5 Prints on 3 by 5 file card stock
4x6 Prints on 4 by 6 file card stock.
6 Lines Prints on standard paper 6 lines per title,
11 titles per page.
Rolodex Prints out on Rolodex card Stock.
3.4.Display Order
Sets what way the main display orders titles.
2 - Title Titles in ascending alphabetical order.
1 - Prefix Titles By Prefix in alpha order.
3 - Tape Titles by Tape Number, Ascending numerical order.
4 - Rating Titles by rating in ascending alpha order.
5 - Type Titles by Type in ascending alpha order.
4. File Menu
Backup to A: the entire database and indexes. For Floppy only users I
Suggest Running the program from B: so that you can backup to A:
or alternatively when finished at the dos prompt from the drive and
directory where the program resides type the following.
copy *.dbf A: <ENTER>
copy *.ndx A: <ENTER>
Where A: can be any drive that you would like to backup to.
Quit the program and return to DOS or Windows.
Setup the program defaults. See Setup
5. Support
Support is available either via U.S. Mail to P.O. Box 64
Middlesex, NJ 08846 with a self addressed stamped envelope.
(S.A.S.E.), Or on Compuserve with Email to 71056,766
6. Edit Menu
6.1.Add Title
1 way to add a title to the database.
6.2.Delete Tape
Delete all entries on a specified tape.
Note... this is not final until after the database is packed. Until the
database is packed, Until a pack command is used deleted entries may be
undeleted by using the Recall command.
6.3.Edit by #
allows editing of all entries on a specified tape.
6.4.Title Edit
Edits specified title.
undelete a deleted title (Entry) also you can use the R command when the
title is displayed.
7. Search By
7.1.Any String
allows you to find titles by any string in the title excluding prefixes.
Example .. how will find any title that has a lower case in the title
but will not find How....
Also if printer is chosen from options menu output goes to both screen &
Search by number for entries on the specified tape.
Screen or printer output.
Search for tapes by the rating...
Examples .. G, NR, PG, PG13, R, X, XXX, Etc..
Screen or printer output.
7.4.Rating <=
Search by ratings that are less than or equal to entered rating.
Example ... O will display all titles that are lower in value ....
(Blank) G, & NR will be displayed.
screen or printer output.
7.5.Rating >=
Search by ratings that are higher or equal to entered rating.
Example .. O will display all titles that have ratings such as PG, PG13,
R, X, XXX etc.
screen or printer output.
Search for titles that match the entered text.
Example .. W will find Who framed roger rabbit but will not find Dr. Who
since search starts on the first letter of the title.
screen or printer output.
Search by type of title.
Example .. Dr will find Drama . Suggestions would be Humor, Drama,
Action, Sci-Fi, Music, Musical, Western
Screen or printer output.
Search for stars by their last name.
Example Mc will find McGovern & McKean, Whereas McG will only find
Note ... Case Sensitive
Screen or printer output.
Search by prefix..
Example T will find The Sound of Music etc.
Screen or printer output.
Searches by the Search keys entered when the title was entered.
Examples of search keys could be
Nudity, HiFi, Comedy, Humor, action, Adult, language etc.
8. Options
8.1.Color on
Allows changing to color display within the program.
Allows changing to a monochrome mode.
Toggles the printer on or off....
Status will be displayed in the lower right corner.
8.4.Hide Deleted
Hides deleted titles form view, however they still exist till a pack
command is given.
8.5.Show Deleted
Default.... Allows deleted records to display until permanent removal
with the pack command.
9. Utils
Allows rebuilding the indexes if you suspect that the indexes may have
been damaged , noticeable if the titles display out of order etc. Causes
include power failure etc.
Packs the database and rebuilds the indexes . Used to permanently remove
titles that have been deleted.
A Dangerous command that is used only to start with a fresh database.
Requires confirmation to use.
Sends a formfeed to the printer.
10. Reports
10.1.Tagged Titles.
Prints only tagged titles tagged using the T command when the titles was
displayed on the main screen.
Clears tag only when printed to the printer.
screen or printer output.
10.2.List All
Lists all titles to the screen or printer using the form selected by
screen or printer output.
10.3.By Title
Prints or displays according to entered text
Example .. W will display all titles that start with the letter W.
Screen or printer output
11. Help
Help with the following pull down menus.
11.3.Search By
And Mouse buttons if selected with setup.
12. 6.2.Keyboard Commands
12.1.1 st
Go to the first entry in the database.
12.2.>.Scan Fwd
Scan forward until a key is pressed.
12.3.<.Scan Rev
Scan in Reverse until a key is pressed.
Go forward on entry.
Go backwards one entry.
12.6.A dd
Add a title to the database.
12.7.D elete
Delete displayed title. Not final until a pack command is used.
12.8.E dit
Edit displayed title only.
12.9.F ind
Find a title and display it.
12.10.L ast
Go to the last entry in the database.
12.11.P rint
Print displayed title. Uses form selected with setup.
12.12.Q uit
Quit the program.
12.13.R ecall
Recall (Undelete) deleted titles when they are displayed.
12.14.S etup
Run The Setup program in order to set defaults, Such as Index used.
12.15.T ag
Tag titles for printing in reports pull down menus.
12.16.U ntag
Untag tagged titles so they do not print from the reports print tagged
13. Edit & Add Commands
13.1.Right Arrow Key.
The Right Arrow Key moves the cursor only within the Field its in.
Note Nondestructive movement.
13.2.Left Arrow.
Left Arrow Key moves the cursor Left within the field its in.
Note Nondestructive Movement.
13.3.Up Arrow.
The up arrow moves the cursor up one entry field.
13.4.Down Arrow.
Down Arrow moves the cursor down one field.
13.5.Page Up.
Page up Key takes you to the first entry field on the screen.
13.6.Page Down.
Page Down key takes you to the last entry field on the screen. At this
point pressing Enter will save the entry or changes.
To save an entry or edit press page down to go to the last entry field
and press the Enter Key.
13.8.Escaping From.
13.9.Abort Add
13.10.Abort Edit
if you change your mind or have chosen Edit or Add by mistake just
presss the Escape key to abort the process.
13.11.Ins Key.
The ins key toggles overwrite or insert mode in edit .
14. Pull Down Menus
All Pull Down Menus may be used by pressing the ALt Key and the first
letter of the menu that is shown across the top of the screen....
then use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the Item you'd like to
use and press the Enter Key or the spacebar.
14.1.Alt F = File Menu.
The file menu is where you run setup, Backup or Quit from.
14.2.Alt E = Edit Menu.
The Edit menu allows you to edit by title, Tape number, Etc.
14.3.Alt S = Search By Menu.
The Search menu allows you to search for titles in many different ways.
14.4.Alt O = Options Menu.
The Options menu Allows you to turn the printer on or off, Set color on
or off, Etc.
14.5.Alt U = Utils Menu.
The Utils Menu allows you to Reindex the database if the indexes should
ever become damaged (power Problems etc.) , Pack - Remove beyond
recovery deleted titles, Zap - Start the Database over from blank, And
send a FORMFEED to the printer.
14.6.Alt H = Help Menu
Gives a short selection of choices for help topics.
15. Mouse use.
As always you must have your mouse driver loaded and then put the mouse
cursor on the pull down menu , press the right button and drag down to
the item you would like.
16. Output Options.
16.1.1 Liner
Prints 1 line reports on standard paper.
16.2.3 X 5 (3 by 5)
Prints on 3 by 5 file card stock available from many sources
such as Egghead or Software City.
16.3.4 X 6 (4 by 6)
Prints on 4 by 6 file card stock.
16.4.6 to a Page
Prints information 6 lines to a record 11 records to a page on
standard paper.
Prints information on a Rolodex form.
17. Buttons
The buttons if chosen from File/setup will appear across the bottom of
the screen and may be chosen by putting the mouse cursor on them and
Alternatively you may use the Tab key to move right to a choice or Shift
Tab to move left and press enter or the spacebar when you have
highlighted your choice.
18. Entry Fields
This is where you enter the title of the movie minus and prefixes.
Entry of the prefix for the title.
Examples .... A from A sound of music or The from The bedroom window, or
alternatively 007 for James Bond movies or Indy for Indiana Jones
movies. Titles may be searched for on prefix, Title, Tape, Rating,
Type, Search Data (keys) or Stars Last name,
Tape number. 1 or A1 etc.
Where the title is located on the tape.
Example ... 3 for the third entry.
Speed tape was recorded at , EP (extended Play, 6 hour speed), LP (long
Play, 4 hour speed), SP (Standard Play , 2 hour speed).
Rating of the title,
Examples ... G, NR, PG, PG13, R, X, XXX etc.
Length of the title. 120 for 2 hours 90 for 1 1/2 hrs.
Year title was made or tape was made.
18.9.Search Data
Here is where you can enter 4 different search keys for later look up of
Examples would be alternative types for a movie, Where the main thrust
of the movie is Action but there is also a strong element of music and
romance. Or if you wanted to flag a movie because of language or
what type of movie or TV show or home tape it is.
Examples ... Action, Romance, Drama, SciFi etc.
18.11.Reg or Super VHS
If you have or plan to ad a super VHS VCR or alternatively 8 mm or
18.12.First Name
18.13.Last Name
First & Last name of the stars .
Description of the title.
How you rated the title 1* or 3*+ etc. or What the actual quality of the
quality on tape is.
Where the title is located .
Examples Bedroom B-Shelf, or if loaned who it's loaned to.
>.Scan Fwd, 11
<.Scan Rev, 11
+, 11
-, 11
1.st, 11
A.dd, 11
Add Title, 5
Any String, 5
Backup, 4
Buttons, 14
By Title, 9
Change Display Order, 3
Color On, 7
D.elete, 11
Delete Tape, 5
Display Order, 3
E.dit, 11
Edit / Add Commands, 12
Edit By #, 5
Edit Help, 10
Edit Menu, 5
Entry Fields, 15
F.ind, 11
File Help, 10
File Menu, 4
Formfeed, 8
Help, 10
Help Menu, 10
Hide Deleted, 7
Keyboard Commands, 11
Keys, 5
L.ast, 11
List All, 9
Monitor Type, 3
Monochrome, 7
Mouse Use, 14
New Installation, 3
Number, 5
Options, 10
Options Menu, 7
Output Options, 14
P.rint, 11
Pack, 8
Prefix, 5
Printer Toggle, 7
Pull Down Menus, 13
Q.uit, 11
Quit, 4
R.ecall, 11
Rating, 5
Rating <=, 5
Reindex, 8
Report Size, 3
Reports, 9, 10
S.etup, 11
Search By, 10
Search By Menu, 5
Selection Order, 3
Setup, 3, 4
Show Deleted, 7
Star, 5
Support, 5
T.ag, 11
Tagged Titles, 9
Title, 5
Title Edit, 5
Type, 5
U.ntag, 11
Undelete, 5
Update Installation, 3
Utils Menu, 8
Zap, 8